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What Is The Tanzania Water Project?



Imagine walking 3 to 5 miles round trip for some buckets of questionable water.

Now imagine doing that day after day after day. That daily journey takes you away from your family. Using that water puts the health of your family at risk. Water poverty drives serious illnesses, high infant mortality rates, poor education, slumped economies, and unproductive agricultural conditions.

The Tanzania Water Project is making a difference, actively changing this awful paradigm. Here’s what we do: the TWP drills new clean water wells in Tanzanian villages, through the efforts of an incredible team of volunteers, donors and workers that span the globe.

What began as a request for assistance from the Archbishop of Tanzania, the Most Rev’d Valentine Mokiwa, to members of the Nacogdoches, Texas community during Lent of 2012, has become a full-fledged water relief operation focused on bringing the most basic gift of life to those in serious need in small villages in Tanzania: clean and available water. Through providing not just a drilling rig, equipment, a trained crew and pumps, but also sustained support and education, the Tanzania Water Project is demonstrating the love that Christ challenges us all to show daily to our fellow man, and especially to those in need.

Please explore this website to learn more about the TWP. And better yet, please feel free to join, “Like” or support our group…we happily accept talent, time and your donations to continue the mission.


