Announcing TWP Well #40-Mikungani Children’s Village!

While in the USA we celebrated a holiday weekend, in Tanzania a village and our drill team completed and celebrated the opening of our latest well, #40 Mikungani. This well was the kind gift from a group of friends that raised the money through donations over the past 6 months. Many thanks to Connie Book, Dawn Crum and Peggy Doyle for working so hard to make a huge life-changing impact for the kids at this village/school, and their neighbors. #40 was a bit of a bear: took almost a full month, required the rental of specialized drilling equipment to support the borehole during operations, and had some tough basalt rock formations along with hard clay and boulders. The well as completed at a depth of 53 very hard fought for meters. The water is abundant (10,000 liters/hour), clear, odorless and good to taste, praise God! And it really is life-changing, as this village had no reliable water source at all. Now they do. The operation was completed this weekend with the digging of the trenches for piping and electric connections, the dropping of the electric submersible pump, and completion of the rock-base tank riser and tank installation. Now its free, abundant, clean water at the turn of a tap. Thanks to all who make these gifts of life happen.
