More great well news to report! In April 2017, we received a generous donation from Waheeda Bharwani, a supporter of the charity group located in Dar es Salaam. Why PAUSE shares our passion for getting clean, safe water to those in need. The Tanzania Water Project selected a new site in the village of Pugu in the Ilala District outside Dar to receive this gift of water. Well drilling commenced on April 7th, and was completed on April 12th. We used our steadfast and trusty L300 portable drilling rig, placed an 8″ borehole, and located three separate aquifers as we went down to the final completion depth of 120 meters. The well is a good one…clean, clear, good taste and odorless water capable of yielding 2,000 liters per hour. The well head was completed, a structure to support the holding tank built, and finally, the well was dedicated and opened to the very appreciative locals. Check out the pictures, thats another long and messy project that has yielded another batch of happy smiles for folks in need. Well done,, thank you so very much Waheeda Bharwabi for trusting us with your funds, and great job Mahimbo Mkumbukwa and the TWP Drill Team for another productive well!
Well #29 Location: -6.89854180585951, 39.13015637432927